Rainbow Fox Badges

Rainbow Fox Badges are stickers given to children when we do a reading with you or you buy a book directly from me at a book reading.  If you share your acts of kindness with us, we will give you one of the below stickers!

Kindness What act of kindness have you done recently?


When you are kind to someone and genuine with your actions, meaning it comes from your heart and you don’t want anything in return. Have you helped someone with a chore or helped a person when they couldn't help themselves?

Mindfulness Lets talk about our mental health


Mindfulness is something when you stop, relax, and become aware of your surroundings to be present. Taking just a few minutes a day to concentrate on breathing can help! You could simply do some baby breaths, remember to breathe into your belly. If you ever become overwhelmed at school or home, big breaths help take the oxygen back to your brain allowing you to think and calm your mind. It really helps to ‘go and chill out!’

Love Have you told someone you love them today?


We all deserve to know and feel what it is like to be loved and to have laughter in our life! Have you told someone you love them today OR tell them you love their shoes or outfit they are wearing? This simple act of love can mean the world to someone.

Wellbeing Have you done any wellbeing exercises today?

Wellbeing badge

Wellbeing can include many wonderful things, like your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health. What books have you read to engage your mind or what new things have you learned today? Exercising can also help look after your body and mind which is extremely important!  Do you have a bike or a skipping rope? How many skips can you do? Let’s go!

Laughing Have you laughed today?


Laughter can be excellent to help release happy magical dust in your brain! Laughing can also be very contagious, if you laugh out loud, what do your friends or family do? Tyler Squirrel loves laughing, sometimes he laughs for no reason and Ryleigh can help herself but laugh with him!

Limited Edition Kindness Unique badge designed by the real Ryleigh!


Do you know someone who deserves a limited edition badge of kindness?